Um, don’t get married? Is that what you mean?
Today’s second reading is from St. Paul, (duh), from First Corinthians.
An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord,
how he may please the Lord.
But a married man is anxious about the things of the world,
how he may please his wife, and he is divided.
We have to remember I suppose two things about Paul. First, he was overly zealous in his persecution of Christians before his conversion, so therefore afterwords he was like … you know, how ex-smokers are like the most avid kind of anti-smokers?
And secondly, tied in with that, is how St. Paul expected Christ to return in his (Paul’s) lifetime. So why get married, why do anything to distract you from the imminent return of the Lord.
So of course it’s been a couple thousand years since then. Lots of marrying going on since then. Good thing, too.
But then lets take his point as well. Let’s try not to worry, not too much, anyway. Monsignor’s homily was all about worry. Worry is pretty pointless, in the end.
Problem is, I worry. I worry a lot. I’m a worrier.
So Monsignor suggests prayer, rather than worry. So I’m going to try more of that. I mean, sure, I’ve got your basic Our Father and Hail Mary, and I have special prayers to St. Agnes. But pray instead of worry? That’s hard.
I’ll have to pray for help on that.