Back in town, and having finished Lieutenant Hornblower, I resolve to make it to the DC Library to borrow Hornblower and the Hotspur rather than buy it. But then stuff comes up at work and I don’t get a chance to get to the library at lunch. So then I dash to Borders and just buy the damn thing.
But Lieutenant Hornblower ends with him (a) asking Maria to marry him and (b) having been made commander (but not post captain) of the Hotspur. I needed to know what happens next.
So, sure enough, Hornblower and the Hotspur begins:
“Repeat after me,” said the parson. “I, Horatio, take thee, Maria Ellen –“
And of course Horatio’s thinking that Maria is not the right woman for him, that he’s not even suitable husband material to begin with. And of course he bravely forges ahead anyway. That’s just the kind of guy he is.