Daily Archives: August 9, 2006

ASH Kickers v. Off in Public

Second kickball game of the new season. I go home first to get the car, since I promised Tiffany that I’d give her a ride home after the game. She has a soccer game in Columbia MD at nine p.m. She was fine when the game was scheduled for eleven, but they’ve moved it up to nine.

Who plays soccer at eleven at night?

We have a good crowd, although Elisa is on vacation and Kate can’t make the game because she’s off at orientation or training in PG County. Clare joins us though, which is a treat, although she doesn’t play.

By game time Off in Public only has six players. They promise that more people are on the way, so we give them some more time. Eventually they end up with twenty-one players. And they win, darn them, after we were so nice. Ungrateful wretches.

Actually, they’re fairly nice enough, most of them. We ourselves suffer a bit from a lack of enthusiasm, without the cheerfully boisterous enthusiasm of Kate perhaps. And then there’s that one unwise throw from third to first, unsuccessful even, for not even the third out, with a runner on third.

As promised, I take Tiffany home, and I do not attend the festivites at Irish Times. Kevin does, however, the great trooper, even though he is among only five ASH Kickers in attendance there, and only one of them female.