Very enjoyable, low key day at Dad’s.
Presents are generally kept to a minimum, as we have worked out beforehand with Main that we’ll just exchange donations to favorite charities. She gives to typhoon victims in Bangladesh and we give to help restore Ellis Island. Dad gives us checks, which is good in the sense that shopping is easier on all involved. But it’s bad because it kinda gets deposited into the bank as general revenue rather than as specifically marked as for goodies and toys.
There’s some distraction as we have on the football game for a while. Dad has a big HDTV, but we can’t find the game in actual HD. We view in regular D. Washington seems to have spent all their energy beating Dallas the previous week. When we leave the score is 14-13, Washington winning by one. I ask Dad if he thinks they can hold on. He says he’s pessimistic. When we get home they’ve lost like 14-35 or something ridiculous.