Have a Adult Faith Formation Committee meeting at St. Matt’s. There’s a huge plate of cookies, and, as I haven’t had dinner, I’m sadly unable to resist eating like 47 of the damn things. I wish I had willpower to resist, but they’re just too good.
The tables in the conference room are set up in a big U shape, one table on each side and two tables at the bottom of the U. I sit on one of the sides, and I don’t know if it’s that the U is too big or that she speaks too softly or maybe it’s the HVAC blowing, but I have trouble hearing and understanding our chair Marinella. Plus she has an Italian accent. The guys closer to me I can understand, plus Maureen sitting right next to me. Marinella, not so much. I try to nod and smile a lot when she asks me something, trying to bid for time to figure out what she’s said. I hope I haven’t volunteered to bake cookies for the next meeting.
At the end of the meeting there’s still a lot of cookies left. You can’t really tell that we’ve made a dent in the giant pile. We still haven’t nailed down what the lecture series for the fall is going to be. Somebody suggests a series on the major documents of Vatican II: Gaudium et Spes, Lumen Gentium, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Dignitatis Humanae, and Dei Verbum.